Friday, May 20, 2011

We're Not All That Different

The other day I was driving on busy Riverdale Road, a place I try to avoid if possible, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Now, I'm not in the habit of looking into other people's cars. I usually don't even notice if someone is waving to me, but there was quite a lot of hand movement happening to my left. I peered over, doing my best to appear not to be looking and noticed that the girl was signing. I looked in the passenger seat and in the back to see who she was signing to - no one. "Hmmm, strange...why is she signing to herself?" I said...out MYSELF.

I guess we're not all that different are we?

1 comment:

  1. I sing in my care all the time! It's usually to keep the kids happy, but our car windows are dark and no one can see that I have them in the back. Oh well :) Everyone does it.
