Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Never Compare Yourself to Itzhak Perlman

I got my violin fixed. One thing crossed of my list of things to do this year! Awesome! It's been so fun to remember the joy this kind of music gave me!

Well, I've been practicing and I'm a little rusty to say the least, but getting better with each practice session. I have a goal that I mentioned in a previous post (also on my list at the side of this blog) to relearn my favorite song I used to play on the violin: Concerto No. 1 in A minor by J. B. Accolay. I decided to go to youtube for a little inspiration and found a beautiful recording of it (click here to listen) performed by one of the most amazing violinists to ever live! It makes my goal to relearn it seem a lot cooler, but also a little unreachable.

What I have learned: Never Compare Yourself to Itzhak Perlman.


  1. I didn't know you played the violin. Very cool. What other secret talents are you hiding? :)

  2. Nice! You have a wonderful talent with music. Wish I had a little bit of that:).
